Bug #7148
closedSpoofed mac addresses on VLAN interfaces apply to the same physical interface
I was replacing a virtual machine with a physical pfSense box. In effort to minimize the change experienced by the network itself, I though I'd spoof the mac addresses the virtual machine used.
However, this does not work as expected with VLAN's, which the VM instance of pfSense didn't have to deal with as I did VLAN's on the host level and exposed ready-vlan'ed interfaces to the VM.
Adding two or more VLAN interfaces on the same physical interface, and then setting a spoofed mac on each, the last mac applied affects both the physical interface and all VLAN interfaces. The GUI does not warn you about this, and also lets you set a different spoofed mac on each VLAN interface, only one of which will actually be applied. I find this to be misleading.
IMO VLAN interfaces should tell you that the address affects the physical interface, and that if you change it for one, you'll change it for all interfaces on that physical card.