Bug #7455
closedUnbound DNS Resolver failed with pfBlockerNG after reboot with /var mounted on ramfs
I'd like to say, the var on ramfs is very useful, but the way to handle it is not well considered to back up the var on shutdown or reboot.
The problem I came across is that the DNS Resolver stops working and refuse to restart for pfBlockerNG's appended configuration file (/var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.conf) is missing. This happens as I have pfBlockerNG configured with some ad-block seeds, after updated I have a reboot, the /var directory is mounted on ram but the related configuration file is not backed up. so once reboot, these files are missing. I have first to update pfblockerNG to generate the needed file and then restart dns resolver, or just change the dns resolver configuration not to include the missing file.
For this problem, I sugguest:
1, add an option for DNS resolver to ignore the unnecessary missing file so that it have some kind fault-tolerance.
2, reconsider the backup policy for /var directory when it's mounted on ram, and set a rule for the add-ons itself to consider this problem.
Updated by Marc Dorando over 4 years ago
Similar issue over here, 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1 having LAN, VLAN and WAN1, WAN2 (LoadBalancing&Failover) and IPv4, IPv6 and pfb_dnsbl (stable) and snort (stable). Unbound was starting before 2.4.5 without any issues.