



Bug #816


USB Keyboard Detection - Boot Hangs

Added by Tim Nelson almost 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Very Low
Operating System
Target version:
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I'm having issues with booting a system with a USB keyboard. The keyboard works perfectly fine, but when pfSense attempts to initialize all devices, there are problems and the system hangs:

Starting device manager (devd)...kbdcontrol: cannot open /dev/ukbd0: Device busy

I've tried multiple keyboards, with and without using a KVM, and the result is the same.

I've also tried booting without a keyboard altogether but then the error message is 'No such file or directory' instead of 'Device busy'.

The board being booted has no PS/2 ports, USB only. There is no 'legacy' option in the BIOS.

A similar problem is noted here: Apparently there is a regression in ukbd.c from prior versions? They reference a patch that could fix the problem. Maybe this can be included in pfSense for those users without legacy ports?

Actions #1

Updated by Krzysztof Augustyn over 13 years ago

I cannot reproduce this error, and used pfsense on many machines mainly with usb kayboards. From Beta4 tested on Via EPIA, DELL PE, SuperMicro Opteron platform usb keyboard works fine. Boot from internal devices, USB Cdroms, pendrive (in B5) and no problem. Could be platform specic...

Actions #2

Updated by Chris Buechler over 13 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Very Low
  • Target version deleted (2.0)

this is definitely hardware-specific as I have a ton of hardware that works fine with USB keyboards, and we aren't going to pull in any more kernel changes at this point. can revisit later

Actions #3

Updated by Chris Buechler over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

needs to be fixed upstream if it hasn't already been


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