Feature #8362
closedSnort and Suricata Package - Allow for changing URLs, Ports, and Protocols to allow for local Repo of Signature Updates
We should have the ability to change the URLs, ports, and protocols used (perhaps even include option for SCP/SFTP) so that those of us with multiple pfsense boxes that create, cache, and publish our own content internally can update from a local trusted point versus the online repos only.
Use case:
Local http web server or SCP server on a different port. Allow typical VRT or ET signatures that have been cached in the same filename/directory structure as the community sites to be downloaded and utilized.
Updated by Bill Meeks almost 7 years ago
I will look at adding this feature to both packages. It would likely be just a text box where the admin could enter a complete URL (including the port number as part of the URL if a custom port was used) and elect to use the URL for rules updates instead of the default internally-generated URL. There would need to be a separate URL text entry field for each configurable rule set (Snort, ET or GPLv2 Community).
Updated by Bill Meeks almost 7 years ago
This feature was added in the Suricata GUI package v4.0.4_1 pull request posted on GitHub here: https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/509. Once merged, this request can be closed.