



Bug #8396


Upgrade 2.4.2_1p to 2.4.3 Fails

Added by Larry Westfall over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Not a Bug
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:
Affected Version:
Affected Architecture:


The gui fails with no real messages, the CLI just freezes, it appears to be failing at:
arj: 3.10.22_5 -> 3.10.22_7 [pfSense].

[2.4.2-RELEASE][]/root: pfSense-upgrade -d

Updating repositories metadata...

Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up to date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pfSense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.

The following 93 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
devcpu-data: 1.16 [pfSense]
py27-ply: 3.10_1 [pfSense]
py27-setuptools: 36.5.0 [pfSense]

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
webp: 0.6.0_4 -> 0.6.1 [pfSense]
unbound: 1.6.6 -> 1.6.8 [pfSense]
tiff: 4.0.8 -> 4.0.9_1 [pfSense]
talloc: 2.1.9 -> 2.1.10_1 [pfSense]
strongswan: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.2_1 [pfSense]
squid: 3.5.27 -> 3.5.27_3 [pfSense]
sqlite3: 3.20.1_1 -> 3.21.0_1 [pfSense]
smartmontools: 6.5_2 -> 6.6_1 [pfSense]
readline: 7.0.3 -> 7.0.3_1 [pfSense]
radvd: 2.17_3 -> 2.17_4 [pfSense]
python27: 2.7.14 -> 2.7.14_1 [pfSense]
postgresql95-client: 9.5.10 -> 9.5.12 [pfSense]
pkgconf: 1.3.7,1 -> 1.3.10,1 [pfSense]
php56-zlib: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xmlwriter: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xmlreader: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xml: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-tokenizer: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvshm: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvsem: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvmsg: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sqlite3: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sockets: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-simplexml: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-shmop: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-session: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-readline: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-posix: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pfSense-module: 0.57 -> 0.61 [pfSense]
php56-pdo_sqlite: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pdo: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pcntl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-openssl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-opcache: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-mcrypt: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-mbstring: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-ldap: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-json: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-hash: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-gettext: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-filter: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-dom: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-curl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-ctype: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-bz2: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-bcmath: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
pfSense-rc: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-kernel-pfSense: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-default-config: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-base: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-Status_Monitoring: 1.7.5 -> 1.7.6 [pfSense]
pfSense: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense]
pecl-intl: 3.0.0_10 -> 3.0.0_11 [pfSense]
pear: 1.10.5 -> 1.10.5_1 [pfSense]
openvpn: 2.4.4 -> 2.4.4_1 [pfSense]
oniguruma6: 6.4.0 -> 6.6.1 [pfSense]
ntp: 4.2.8p10_2 -> 4.2.8p11 [pfSense]
nginx: 1.12.1_2,2 -> 1.12.2_3,2 [pfSense]
nettle: 3.3 -> 3.4 [pfSense]
mysql56-client: 5.6.37_1 -> 5.6.39 [pfSense]
luajit: 2.0.5 -> 2.1.0.b3 [pfSense]
lighttpd: 1.4.47_1 -> 1.4.48_1 [pfSense]
libzmq4: 4.2.2 -> 4.2.2_1 [pfSense]
libxml2: 2.9.4 -> 2.9.7 [pfSense]
libunistring: 0.9.7 -> 0.9.8 [pfSense]
libnghttp2: 1.26.0 -> 1.29.0 [pfSense]
libffi: 3.2.1_1 -> 3.2.1_2 [pfSense]
libevent: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.8_1 [pfSense]
json-c: 0.12.1 -> 0.13 [pfSense]
jpeg-turbo: 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-server: 4.3.6_1 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-relay: 4.3.6 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-client: 4.3.6 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
indexinfo: 0.2.6 -> 0.3.1 [pfSense]
idnkit: 1.0_6 -> 1.0_7 [pfSense]
icu: 59.1,1 -> 60.2_1,1 [pfSense]
glib: 2.50.2_6,1 -> 2.50.3_1,1 [pfSense]
freetype2: 2.8 -> 2.8_1 [pfSense]
freeradius3: 3.0.15_1 -> 3.0.15_4 [pfSense]
expat: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.5 [pfSense]
daq: 2.0.6_1 -> 2.2.2 [pfSense]
curl: 7.57.0 -> 7.58.0 [pfSense]
clamav: 0.99.2_5 -> 0.99.4 [pfSense]
ca_root_nss: 3.32.1 -> 3.36 [pfSense]
bind-tools: 9.11.2 -> 9.11.2P1 [pfSense]
bash: 4.4.12_2 -> 4.4.12_3 [pfSense]
arj: 3.10.22_5 -> 3.10.22_7 [pfSense]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
snort- [pfSense] (direct dependency changed: luajit)
miniupnpd-1.9.20160113,1 [pfSense] (options changed)

Number of packages to be installed: 3
Number of packages to be upgraded: 88
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 2

The process will require 11 MiB more space.
110 MiB to be downloaded.

  • WARNING **
    Reboot will be required!!
    Proceed with upgrade? (y/N) y

Downloading upgrade packages...

Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up to date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pfSense repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (90 candidates): .......... done
Processing candidates (90 candidates): .......... done
The following 93 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
devcpu-data: 1.16 [pfSense]
py27-ply: 3.10_1 [pfSense]
py27-setuptools: 36.5.0 [pfSense]

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
webp: 0.6.0_4 -> 0.6.1 [pfSense]
unbound: 1.6.6 -> 1.6.8 [pfSense]
tiff: 4.0.8 -> 4.0.9_1 [pfSense]
talloc: 2.1.9 -> 2.1.10_1 [pfSense]
strongswan: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.2_1 [pfSense]
squid: 3.5.27 -> 3.5.27_3 [pfSense]
sqlite3: 3.20.1_1 -> 3.21.0_1 [pfSense]
smartmontools: 6.5_2 -> 6.6_1 [pfSense]
readline: 7.0.3 -> 7.0.3_1 [pfSense]
radvd: 2.17_3 -> 2.17_4 [pfSense]
python27: 2.7.14 -> 2.7.14_1 [pfSense]
postgresql95-client: 9.5.10 -> 9.5.12 [pfSense]
pkgconf: 1.3.7,1 -> 1.3.10,1 [pfSense]
php56-zlib: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xmlwriter: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xmlreader: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-xml: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-tokenizer: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvshm: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvsem: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sysvmsg: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sqlite3: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-sockets: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-simplexml: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-shmop: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-session: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-readline: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-posix: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pfSense-module: 0.57 -> 0.61 [pfSense]
php56-pdo_sqlite: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pdo: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-pcntl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-openssl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-opcache: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-mcrypt: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-mbstring: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-ldap: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-json: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-hash: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-gettext: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-filter: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-dom: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-curl: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-ctype: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-bz2: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56-bcmath: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
php56: 5.6.32 -> 5.6.34 [pfSense]
pfSense-rc: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-kernel-pfSense: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-default-config: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-base: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense-core]
pfSense-Status_Monitoring: 1.7.5 -> 1.7.6 [pfSense]
pfSense: 2.4.2_1 -> 2.4.3 [pfSense]
pecl-intl: 3.0.0_10 -> 3.0.0_11 [pfSense]
pear: 1.10.5 -> 1.10.5_1 [pfSense]
openvpn: 2.4.4 -> 2.4.4_1 [pfSense]
oniguruma6: 6.4.0 -> 6.6.1 [pfSense]
ntp: 4.2.8p10_2 -> 4.2.8p11 [pfSense]
nginx: 1.12.1_2,2 -> 1.12.2_3,2 [pfSense]
nettle: 3.3 -> 3.4 [pfSense]
mysql56-client: 5.6.37_1 -> 5.6.39 [pfSense]
luajit: 2.0.5 -> 2.1.0.b3 [pfSense]
lighttpd: 1.4.47_1 -> 1.4.48_1 [pfSense]
libzmq4: 4.2.2 -> 4.2.2_1 [pfSense]
libxml2: 2.9.4 -> 2.9.7 [pfSense]
libunistring: 0.9.7 -> 0.9.8 [pfSense]
libnghttp2: 1.26.0 -> 1.29.0 [pfSense]
libffi: 3.2.1_1 -> 3.2.1_2 [pfSense]
libevent: 2.1.8 -> 2.1.8_1 [pfSense]
json-c: 0.12.1 -> 0.13 [pfSense]
jpeg-turbo: 1.5.2 -> 1.5.3 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-server: 4.3.6_1 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-relay: 4.3.6 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
isc-dhcp43-client: 4.3.6 -> 4.3.6P1 [pfSense]
indexinfo: 0.2.6 -> 0.3.1 [pfSense]
idnkit: 1.0_6 -> 1.0_7 [pfSense]
icu: 59.1,1 -> 60.2_1,1 [pfSense]
glib: 2.50.2_6,1 -> 2.50.3_1,1 [pfSense]
freetype2: 2.8 -> 2.8_1 [pfSense]
freeradius3: 3.0.15_1 -> 3.0.15_4 [pfSense]
expat: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.5 [pfSense]
daq: 2.0.6_1 -> 2.2.2 [pfSense]
curl: 7.57.0 -> 7.58.0 [pfSense]
clamav: 0.99.2_5 -> 0.99.4 [pfSense]
ca_root_nss: 3.32.1 -> 3.36 [pfSense]
bind-tools: 9.11.2 -> 9.11.2P1 [pfSense]
bash: 4.4.12_2 -> 4.4.12_3 [pfSense]


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