Feature #9032
closedRADIUS MAC Authentication: display the login page when MAC auth failed
Since 2.4.4 the behavior of Radius MAC authentication changed.
In 2.4.3 user was redirected to the login page when MAC Authentication failed. Since 2.4.4, RADIUS MAC Authentication Failed.
is displayed instead.
This has been done in purpose, it was by design in the captive portal update. The point was to get a captive portal that only authenticate users using RADIUS MAC Authentication.
Some users would like to have an option to fall back on the login page when using RADIUS MAC auth. The use case would be "normal" users authenticate with user/password while special users & servers would use MAC authentication.
Updated by A FL about 6 years ago
Updated by Jane Doe about 6 years ago
The fall back seems not to respect the setting Use custom captive portal page as it always shows the default login page (default template).
Tested on 2.4.5.a.20181025.0115.
Updated by A FL about 6 years ago
Jane Doe wrote:
The fall back seems not to respect the setting Use custom captive portal page as it always shows the default login page (default template).
I confirm that the fallback does respect the setting Use custom captive portal page. I just tested it on 2.4.5.a.20181108.0054 to make sure.
Please verify that you entered a custom "Auth error page". The captive portal returns an error message (Given by Reply-Message attribute in the Access-Reject recieved, or "RADIUS MAC Authentication Failed." if no reply-message is given) so it's actually an error page.
Updated by Jane Doe about 6 years ago
Ok, I can confirm this works, if we set our login.php (`Portal page contents`) to the error.php (`Auth error page contents`).
But how to show a custom error page (`Auth error page contents`) then in case the user enters a faulty password on the fallback login page?
RADIUS -> Custom login.php -> Password wrong ?