Bug #9214
closedPackages fail to reinstall after restoring config.xml from the installer
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When restoring a config.xml file in the installer, the script sets
in but the fix for #7604 removed references to that file in base.
So we either need to change the installer to touch ${BSDINSTALL_CHROOT}/cf/conf/needs_package_sync
or put checks for the other file back in base.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Change committed to freebsd-src repo, should be in 2.4.5 snaps when they run next.
Updated by Anonymous about 6 years ago
Tested on 2.4.5.a.20190102.0952, works as expected.
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 48 to 2.5.0
Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Target version changed from 2.5.0 to 2.4.4-p3
Updated by Chris Linstruth over 5 years ago
I upgraded from 2.4.4-p2 to 2.4.4-p3 using the iso and confix.xml recovery.
Got the banner that package install was proceeding in the background and all packages installed.