Bug #9242
closedMBT-4220/2220 not recognized by pfsense correctly after UEFI upgraded to 1.00
In BIOS Released by intel there were system identyfier change.
pfSense installer expects
Product Name: Minnowboard Turbot D0 PLATFORM
while after UEFI 1.00 it reports:
Product Name: Minnowboard Turbot D0/D1 PLATFORM
that causing HDMI fix is not being applied automagically during installation
/usr/libexec/bsdisntall/config need to be fixed.
to fix gui correctly present device i changed:
--- system.inc.old 2019-01-01 20:51:06.241829000 0000
++ system.inc 2019-01-01 20:50:10.898565000 0000@ -2550,6 +2550,7
return (array('name' => 'SG-5100', 'descr' => 'Netgate SG-5100'));
case 'Minnowboard Turbot D0 PLATFORM':
case 'Minnowboard Turbot D0/D1 PLATFORM':
$result = array();
$result['name'] = 'Turbot Dual-E';
/* Detect specific model */
Updated by Grzegorz Krzystek about 4 years ago
proposed fix for pfsense added in
for gui config added in https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/4495
And fix for installer in
Updated by Renato Botelho about 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Renato Botelho
- Target version set to 2.5.0
PRs have been merged. Thanks!
Updated by Renato Botelho about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved