



Bug #9459


patch pf: silence a runtime warning pfr_update_stats: assertion failed.

Added by rub man almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Rules / NAT
Target version:
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I get pf warning spam non-stop

pfr_update_stats: assertion failed.

There is a patch to silence pf warning, add that patch to pfsense:

Bug report:


Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 6 years ago

  • Category set to Rules / NAT
  • Target version set to 2.5.0
  • Affected Version set to 2.5.x
  • Affected Architecture All added
  • Affected Architecture deleted ()
Actions #2

Updated by rub man almost 6 years ago

Update: I was able to stop the warnings by disabling nat reflection.

Possible bug?

Actions #3

Updated by rub man over 5 years ago

So I was able to find another way to keep nat reflection turned on and stop the spam. I changed one of the port forward rules from tcp/udp to separate tcp and udp rules. It fixed the issue. tcp/udp port forward rule might be broken.

Actions #4

Updated by Luiz Souza over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Luiz Souza

This fix is already merged to 2.5 sources.

Should not be an issue anymore, please confirm with a newer snapshot.

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

No response from OP. Assumed fixed

Actions #6

Updated by Gerson Barreiros over 3 years ago

I got same issue and i can confirm that after disabling nat reflection errors are gone.

Enabling it again, after some minutes errors are back.

pfsense 2.5.1

Actions #7

Updated by A S over 3 years ago

Issue continues to occur under 2.5.2.

Actions #8

Updated by Casper B almost 2 years ago

Anonymous wrote in #note-5:

No response from OP. Assumed fixed

Still happening here.. v 22.05

patch is in OP, should be made a system patch in pfsense

Actions #9

Updated by Jens Groh almost 2 years ago

Casper B wrote in #note-8:

Anonymous wrote in #note-5:

No response from OP. Assumed fixed

Still happening here.. v 22.05

patch is in OP, should be made a system patch in pfsense

That patch is a patch against the paket filter PF itself, that's nothing you can just "apply" on the fly with a system patch but something that is kernel/sys app level and has to be compiled in, that's why it's not a simple "make it happen" system patch.


Actions #10

Updated by Casper B almost 2 years ago

I see. Thanks for the info.

Issue still exists so status of this bug shouldn't be 'resolved'..

Actions #11

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

Given the age of the original issue this was likely fixed before and then regressed in a later version. Please make a new issue and (if possible) include how you are able to make the error happen again on a current development snapshot.


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