Bug #948
closedCan't assign VLANs to LAGG interface via web interface
LAGG interface is missing from VLAN capable interfaces list when creating or editing VLANs, but existing VLANs using that interface continue to work.
New VLANs can be added the LAGG only by creating a new VLAN for another interface, then editing config.xml and rebooting.
Currently using "2.0-BETA4 (amd64) built on Tue Oct 12 06:44:49 UTC 2010". The LAGG interface is created with a Dual port Intel NIC using the igb driver.
I traced the behaviour to /etc/inc/globals.inc in line 112:
$vlan_native_supp = get_nics_with_capabilities("vlanmtu");
When 'vlanmtu' is changed to 'vlan_mtu', the LAGG interface appeared on the menu, but none of the other interfaces showed up.
I traced the behaviour further and found the following at line 50:
if(isset($capable['caps'][$CAPABILITIES])) {
When 'caps' is changed to 'encaps', the LAGG interface appears in the list along with the other interfaces as it should.