Feature #9911
closedShow confirmation box before disconnecting PPPoE
The Status->Interfaces page (status_interfaces.php) is very useful for showing Interface details.
On systems that utilise PPPoE, a Disconnect box is shown next to the PPPoE up status.
This button, if accidentally pressed, disconnects the PPPoE session instantly. No confirmation is shown.
To my mind, the Status page is just that, showing the status of things. It shouldn't be a section that can act on the state of the system. Therefore I think this button should at least show a "Disconnect PPPoE?" or similar dialog box, before performing the action, in the same way as clicking the Trash Can on the states page (diag_dump_states.php) gives you a "Are you sure you wish to delete this state?" message.
We discovered this today when someone was working on a remote site and, not even intentionally, clicked the button while they were going up to close the browser tab. The result was the site was offline until we were able to get someone there and click the button again to connect it.