

k volk

  • Login: kvolk
  • Registered on: 09/25/2018
  • Last connection: 03/12/2019


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Reported issues 0 2 2



04:51 AM pfSense Feature #8943: Additions to wake on lan section
*3) it would be very convenient to divide the computers into groups in this menu in order to switch on the computers ... k volk
04:17 AM pfSense Feature #8943 (Resolved): Additions to wake on lan section
1) In the WOL section I have about 200 lines. In order to add another entry (PC) you need to scroll down the entire l... k volk
03:36 AM pfSense Todo #8942: DHCP config
*Is it possible to adding own lines to the configuration file of the dhcp server directly in the configuration of the... k volk
03:32 AM pfSense Todo #8942 (Duplicate): DHCP config
In some cases, you may need to add additional partitions to the dhcpd configuration file. Now I do it through editing... k volk

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