

Steve Powers

  • Login: spowers
  • Registered on: 05/16/2019
  • Last connection: 05/16/2019


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08:03 AM pfSense Feature #9527: Add ability for LDAP extended query on groups in RFC2307 containers.
Jim Pingle wrote:
> This looks good to me at a glance, do you mind submitting this as a pull request on Github?
Steve Powers
07:21 AM pfSense Feature #9527: Add ability for LDAP extended query on groups in RFC2307 containers.
I noticed there was an erroneous reference to $userdn in the last debug() function, this updated patch removes that:
Steve Powers
07:08 AM pfSense Feature #9527 (Resolved): Add ability for LDAP extended query on groups in RFC2307 containers.
We have successfully deployed OpenLDAP authentication on several pfSense units, but needed to limit access to certain... Steve Powers

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