

Pi Ba

  • Login: PiBa
  • Registered on: 09/05/2012
  • Last connection: 12/26/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 9 9
Reported issues 5 66 71



02:05 PM pfSense Packages Bug #10885: HAProxy DNS statistics not working
Should be fixed in haproxy 0.61.1
Pi Ba
02:03 PM pfSense Packages Bug #10936: both haproxy/haproxy-devel non-existent option lb-agent-chk
In haproxy-devel package 0.61.1 this 'Agent' health-check method should no longer be visible (unless already configur... Pi Ba


05:57 PM pfSense Bug #10206: VIP alias-ip's disappear from nic (caused by running ifconfig twice.?.)
Well maybe its fixed in the FreeBSD-OS, however maybe it was never broken in the FreeBSD-OS in the first place? (as p... Pi Ba


05:27 PM pfSense Bug #10206 (Resolved): VIP alias-ip's disappear from nic (caused by running ifconfig twice.?.)
Using "pfSense-CE-2.5.0-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20200123-1059.iso" for a fresh install on a VirtualBox VM my configured VIP... Pi Ba


01:09 PM pfSense Revision 12bce795: traffic-graphs, don't stop drawing graphs when a interface is disabled
traffic-graphs, don't stop drawing graphs when a interface is disabled
(cherry picked from commit 176c7256bd1b13f401...
Pi Ba


08:19 PM pfSense Revision 176c7256: traffic-graphs, don't stop drawing graphs when a interface is disabled
traffic-graphs, don't stop drawing graphs when a interface is disabled Pi Ba


01:44 PM pfSense Packages Bug #9524: HAProxy-Backend blocks routed vlan traffic
Its likely because of transparent-client-ip feature enabled in the backend of haproxy, combined with the 'bug' / miss... Pi Ba


04:28 PM pfSense Packages Bug #9368: ACME certificates cannot have more than ~35 SAN entries due to input variable limits
Should be fixed with this:
Or would that possibly cause sideeffect...
Pi Ba


08:26 AM pfSense Bug #9292 (Resolved): Default route as indicated by "(Default)" does not match the actual default route on the OS.
Default route as indicated by "(Default)" does not match the actual default route on the OS.
Fix: https://github.c...
Pi Ba


12:41 PM pfSense Packages Bug #9261: haproxy GUI failure
The acl "Traffic is ssl (no value needed)" is using the actual haproxy option: "req.ssl_ver gt 0" this is one that on... Pi Ba

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