

Ricardo Mendes

  • Login: maverickws
  • Registered on: 01/31/2020
  • Last connection: 05/24/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 3 3



10:34 AM pfSense Bug #14977: Stale Kea control socket lock file can prevent Kea from starting
Following up on forum post
I am reporting this same issue. I've been using...
Ricardo Mendes


05:06 AM pfSense Regression #14072: No working IPv6 gateway if upstream RA does not contain M or O flags because rtsold does not execute script
Hi there,
I initially posted about this issue on the forums and would like to leave a suggestion here;
Since th...
Ricardo Mendes


01:29 PM pfSense Docs Correction #12400: NAT 1:1 documentation - multi-wan information
Dear Jim thank you for the quick reply.
I do agree on the concept of NAT not controlling outgoing traffic and how th...
Ricardo Mendes
01:10 PM pfSense Docs Correction #12400 (Resolved): NAT 1:1 documentation - multi-wan information
Dear pfSense team,
I would like to submit a suggestion to the NAT 1:1 page. This suggestion comes from an issue I ...
Ricardo Mendes


08:00 AM pfSense Feature #10863 (Rejected): Add option for ARPING to occur on CARP promoted to MASTER
Hi all,
Coming across an issue where I have different servers on different DC's, switching provided by external co...
Ricardo Mendes


05:07 AM pfSense Bug #10820: Extremely low speeds to vm's when using paravirtualized (xn*) interfaces on XenServer/XCP-ng
For future reference if someone comes across this issue, what was happening was that devices on my internal network w... Ricardo Mendes


03:45 PM pfSense Bug #10820: Extremely low speeds to vm's when using paravirtualized (xn*) interfaces on XenServer/XCP-ng
A new update. the networks were configured for vlans configured at hetzner while using hetzner vswitch.
Ricardo Mendes
02:35 PM pfSense Bug #10820: Extremely low speeds to vm's when using paravirtualized (xn*) interfaces on XenServer/XCP-ng
Hi Jim thank you for your quick reply.
Regarding my configuration/environment, its a new setup with XCP-ng 8.1 at ...
Ricardo Mendes
01:35 PM pfSense Bug #10820 (Needs Patch): Extremely low speeds to vm's when using paravirtualized (xn*) interfaces on XenServer/XCP-ng
I am experiencing an issue where I have extremely low speeds while accessing vm's behind a pfsense on a virtua...
Ricardo Mendes

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