

Jeff Kuehl

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  • Registered on: 12/05/2022
  • Last connection: 05/30/2024


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Reported issues 1 2 3



10:07 PM pfSense Feature #15478 (Duplicate): Rule Seperators for NAT Rules.
Just as there are options for Labeled & Colored rule separators for organization in the Firewall Rules Web UI, can we... Jeff Kuehl


11:57 PM pfSense Plus Feature #15186 (New): Test DNS over TLS
The ability to readily confirm TLS DNS would be established once saved. Jeff Kuehl


08:39 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15103: Netgate Crypto ID missing in 23.09.01 after fresh firmware
I thought I would mention, I also have this issue in 23.09.1 that I just did a reinstall on. 23.09.1 is running on a... Jeff Kuehl


12:04 PM pfSense Regression #14374: Static ARP entries are not configured at boot
I also have re-experienced the arp entry disappearing with static arp after being in-active for less than a week. Jeff Kuehl


01:42 PM pfSense Regression #14374: Static ARP entries are not configured at boot
I can provide logs or diagnostics to help? Jeff Kuehl


05:17 PM pfSense Regression #14374: Static ARP entries are not configured at boot
Yes that is correct. Jeff Kuehl


01:31 PM pfSense Regression #14374: Static ARP entries are not configured at boot
Found Work-around for Rebooting is to use the "ShellCmd" package to run "arp -s <IPAddr> <MAC_Addr>" on boot for each... Jeff Kuehl
01:27 PM pfSense Regression #14374 (Resolved): Static ARP entries are not configured at boot
Not Sure if Category of "Aliases / Tables" is correct for ARP issues, or otherwise we could put on "DHCP Server" cate... Jeff Kuehl


04:54 PM pfSense Packages Bug #13753: Gateway groups stop sending traffic if they contain wireguard tunnels
In my case I do Load Balancing of Wireguard Tunnels, if I add only Wireguard tunnels it only uses one tunnel.
Jeff Kuehl
02:27 PM pfSense Packages Bug #12608: WireGuard tunnels monitored by dpinger causing system to stop routing completely in certain situations
I have noticed this whenever I enable or disable peers this happens. But I see that even interface-to-interface traff... Jeff Kuehl

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