

Roberto@ IT and General

  • Login: itg-redmine
  • Registered on: 12/04/2023
  • Last connection: 03/04/2024


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05:44 PM pfSense Packages Feature #15260: Snort IPS False Positives and Preprocessor Rules Misconfiguration
Hello Bill,
Thank you very much for your comment. I didn't perceive your message as an attempt to be argumentative...
Roberto@ IT and General
11:31 AM pfSense Packages Feature #15260: Snort IPS False Positives and Preprocessor Rules Misconfiguration
Above, there is a list of the preprocessor rules and decoder rules that should be enabled/disabled for each of the th... Roberto@ IT and General
11:15 AM pfSense Packages Feature #15260 (Resolved): Snort IPS False Positives and Preprocessor Rules Misconfiguration
Greetings to all from IT And General.
I would like to point out an issue that we are experiencing with the Snort p...
Roberto@ IT and General


12:55 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15196: AWS ena interfaces can become unstable/stop responding

Greetings everyone,
I'm Roberto, from IT Ad General.
I'd like to provide some additional details to help b...
Roberto@ IT and General

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