



Feature #1174


Allow a way to force a vip configured on the 'CARP master server' to use another host at the master for the vip

Added by Gary Richards over 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Virtual IP Addresses
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I have a pair of pfsense 2.0 beta servers. I'm syncing config between the servers so that I edit on my 'primary' server and the config gets copied to the 'secondary' server. So far this has worked fine.

However, now I have two VIPs. I want one of the servers to be the master for one VIP and the other server to be the master for the other VIP.

I configured both VIPs on the primary server and as expected the config for them ended up on the secondary server.

I noticed that you can play with base and skew for a VIP to tell the system which of your machines is the master for a VIP.

By default, it seems that VIPs created on the primary server are created with base:1, skew:0. And the vip when created on the secondary server is configured with base:2, skew 100.

This means that both VIPs end up on my primary server. Which i'd expect at this stage.

I then tried modifying the base and skew for one of the VIPs on the primary server. However, every time the config is synced to the secondary server, base is increased by 1 and skew is increased by 100. This means that my second VIP is always on the master server.

I tried modifying the VIP on the secondary server. Obviously it doesn't sync its config to the master, so I lowered the base and skew, then saved. As expected, the secondary server took over control of one of my VIPs.

The problem then arises that if I ever modify the VIP on the primary server again and sync it, the lower config on the secondary server gets overwritten.

Therefore my feature request is, can some way be added to do what I want? I'd like to be able to configure a VIP on the primary server, but in a way that when that config is synced to the second, the second server ends up with a lower base/skew pair if I want the secondary server to be the master for the VIP.

I've no idea how it might be done! But if you will only ever have two servers, then a simple checkbox to confirm whether you expect the primary server to be the master and then based on that roll out config to the other server that's higher if it's checked or lower if it's unchecked to the secondary server.

You could even negate the checkbox when the config is synced to the slave, so if for some reason your secondary server ever became your master server and you were syncing config to another server from it, it would already have the correct checkbox for the specific VIP.

I hope that makes sense to someone? :)


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