Feature #11837
openIncrease field length of FRR Networks in Access Lists and Prefix Lists
The field lengths for the network statements within the Free Range Routing package's Access Control List and Prefix-List are tiny and cannot display the whole entry.
This is a usability problem as the details cannot be read without clicking within the box and then scrolling, or copying then pasting into a text file.
I've unwittingly had errors in copying and pasting as the field is so small - it's very easy to copy only partial information, and I've found sometimes the end doesn't copy, such as the subnet mask.
The human error wasn't discovered until much later as the section in error was hidden as the field was too small.
FIX: The field needs to big enough to accommodate the full dotted quad with 3 decimals per "quad" (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx).
Should be an easy win. See screenshots. Thanks.