



Regression #13112


PHP warning from ``unlink()`` function calls when files do not exist

Added by Marcos M over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:
Force Exclusion
Affected Version:
Affected Architecture:


On 22.05 after reboot, the following php crash report appeared:

[01-May-2022 13:24:31 America/Mexico_City] PHP Warning:  unlink(/tmp/gif0_defaultgwv6): No such file or directory in /etc/inc/ on line 1239
[01-May-2022 13:24:31 America/Mexico_City] PHP Warning:  unlink(/tmp/igb0_defaultgwv6): No such file or directory in /etc/inc/ on line 1239

Further info taken after the reboot:

ls -laT /tmp/*default*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  12 May  1 13:24:24 2022 /tmp/igb0_defaultgw
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  29 May  1 13:24:31 2022 /tmp/igb0_defaultgwv6

System logs:
May 1 13:24:23     check_reload_status     427     rc.newwanip starting igb0 
May 1 13:24:23     php     449     rc.bootup: calling interface_dhcpv6_configure.
May 1 13:24:23     php     449     rc.bootup: Accept router advertisements on interface igb0
May 1 13:24:23     php     449     rc.bootup: Starting DHCP6 client for interfaces igb0 in DHCP6 without RA mode
May 1 13:24:23     php     449     rc.bootup: Starting rtsold process on wan(igb0)
May 1 13:24:24     php-fpm     388     /rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: Info: starting on igb0.
May 1 13:24:24     php-fpm     388     /rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: (interface: ISP1_1[wan]) (real interface: igb0).
May 1 13:24:24     kernel         gif0: link state changed to UP
May 1 13:24:24     php-fpm     388     /rc.newwanip: Gateway, switch to: ISP1_1_DHCP
May 1 13:24:24     php-fpm     388     /rc.newwanip: Default gateway setting ISP1_1 DHCP gateway as default.
May 1 13:24:24     php-fpm     388     /rc.newwanip: Gateway, switch to:
May 1 13:24:25     php-fpm     389     /rc.newwanipv6: rc.newwanipv6: Info: starting on igb0.
May 1 13:24:25     php-fpm     389     /rc.newwanipv6: rc.newwanipv6: on (IP address: 2001:db8:4300:e:10f8:8fce:6ef8:d9c7) (interface: wan) (real interface: igb0).
May 1 13:24:25     php-fpm     389     /rc.newwanipv6: Removing static route for monitor 2001:4860:4860::8888 and adding a new route through dynamic
May 1 13:24:25     php-fpm     389     /rc.newwanipv6: route_add_or_change: Invalid gateway dynamic and/or network interface
May 1 13:24:25     php     449     rc.bootup: dpinger: No dpinger session running for gateway ISP1_1_DHCP 
May 1 13:24:30     php-fpm     35433     /rc.newwanipv6: rc.newwanipv6: Info: starting on igb0. 
May 1 13:24:30     php-fpm     35433     /rc.newwanipv6: rc.newwanipv6: on (IP address: 2001:db8:4300:e:10f8:8fce:6ef8:d9c7) (interface: wan) (real interface: igb0). 
May 1 13:24:30     php-fpm     35433     /rc.newwanipv6: Removing static route for monitor 2001:4860:4860::8888 and adding a new route through fe80::2a2:89ff:fed1:9868%igb0 
May 1 13:24:31     php-fpm     388     /rc.dyndns.update: Gateway, switch to: ISP1_1_DHCP6 
May 1 13:24:31     php-fpm     389     /rc.filter_configure_sync: Gateway, switch to: ISP1_1_DHCP6 
May 1 13:24:31     php-fpm     389     /rc.filter_configure_sync: Default gateway setting Interface ISP1_1_DHCP6 Gateway as default. 
May 1 13:24:31     php-fpm     388     /rc.dyndns.update: Default gateway setting Interface ISP1_1_DHCP6 Gateway as default. 
May 1 13:24:31     php-fpm     388     /rc.dyndns.update: phpDynDNS ( No change in my IP address and/or 25 days has not passed. Not updating dynamic DNS entry. 


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