Bug #13353
closedDHCPv6 (still) doesn't work properly with multiple interfaces
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Another release, another stupid IPv6 bug that could have been detected with basic testing. I'm sure the users of the free community edition will appreciate that the customers of pfSense Plus are basically doing beta testing so that the community edition will be released in a much more stable state, that's definitely how it should be....
Anyways, this bug is particularly "beautiful": When setting up multiple DHCPv6 WAN Interfaces (so pfSense as Client that is) the config in /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf is created for both. However, the previous config is overwritten. That means the file first looks like this:
interface eth0 { send ia-na 0; send ia-pd 0; send rapid-commit; script "/var/etc/"; }; id-assoc na 0 { }; id-assoc pd 0 { prefix ::/56 infinity; };
and a second later like this
interface eth1 { send ia-na 1; send ia-pd 1; send rapid-commit; script "/var/etc/"; }; id-assoc na 1 { }; id-assoc pd 1 { prefix ::/56 infinity; };
Of course that doesn't work properly at all. Also the Webinterface is allowing invalid configurations or at least isn't complaining and instead just selecting and deselecting random options, that makes configuring this even more fun (try to set the same id-assoc for multiple interfaces, to just name one example). Also apparently nobody spent time to think a second if the "override config file"-option in the webinterface makes sense in the current scenario (hint: it doesn't), there is a single dhcpv6-client-process but you can specify a different config override for each interface....
That is on the latest pfSense plus version.
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