Feature #13643
openFRR - Display what BGP is advertsing to its neighbors
There is no way to verify what the pfsense is sending to its bgp peers using the Services/FRR/Status page.
Although not shown, the commands that populate the page for bgp seem to be the following
1. show ip bgp
2. show ip bgp summary
3. show ip bgp neighbor
What is missing is the ability to see what is sent to the neighbor
1. show ip bgp neighbors x.x.x.x advertised-routes
Relying on a configured prefix-list or ACL is not a good way to know what neighbors are receiving upstream.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 2 years ago
- Project changed from pfSense to pfSense Packages
- Category changed from Routing to FRR
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Release Notes deleted (
Updated by Chris Linstruth about 2 years ago
I do not know whether this will or will not be picked up for GUI inclusion but I wanted to put it out there that administrators always have the full complement of frr commands at their disposal using frr's vtysh utility.
Caution should be exercised and changes should be made in the gui or they will be lost but for status queries like these it is pretty useful.
Shell Output - vtysh -c "show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes" BGP table version is 10, local router ID is, vrf id 0 Default local pref 100, local AS 65001 Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath, i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed Nexthop codes: @NNN nexthop's vrf id, < announce-nh-self Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete Originating default network Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path *> 0 32768 i Total number of prefixes 1
Shell Output - vtysh -c "show ip bgp" BGP routing table entry for Paths: (1 available, best #1, table default) Advertised to non peer-group peers: Local from ( Origin IGP, metric 0, weight 32768, valid, sourced, local, best (First path received) Last update: Sat Jul 9 14:54:53 2022
It can also be used interactively from the shell:
Enter an option: 8 [2.6.0-RELEASE][root@pfSense-a]/root: vtysh Hello, this is FRRouting (version 7.5.1). Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al. pfSense-a# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes BGP table version is 10, local router ID is, vrf id 0 Default local pref 100, local AS 65001 Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath, i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed Nexthop codes: @NNN nexthop's vrf id, < announce-nh-self Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete Originating default network Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path *> 0 32768 i Total number of prefixes 1 pfsense-a#
Updated by Alhusein Zawi about 2 years ago
it could be added as "vtysh command " similar to Diagnostics>Command Prompt .
only "show" Commands (not conf. commands)
Updated by Mike Moore about 2 years ago
Appreciate the responses here. I didnt know if vtysh could be called from the cli - rather i didnt know how.
That being the case, i assume intergrating that into the GUI wouldnt be a huge lift?