



Bug #14346


Anchor for reordering gateways won't move to bottom position

Added by Michael Kellogg almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

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on page system_gateways.php if you check a gate way then click on anchor where you want it moved to saving it does not save changes

Actions #1

Updated by Christian McDonald almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Not a Bug

I'm not able to reproduce this.

  • Select a gateway
  • Select an anchor to move entry
  • Click save
Actions #2

Updated by Lev Prokofev almost 2 years ago

It seems doesn't save changes if you check the gateway marked as a "Default gateway", can you confirm?

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

This may just be a side effect of #12920 and whether or not those gateways have an entry in config.xml or not. If they are dynamic, they may not exist in the config until you edit/save them.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from gateways reordering not saving to Anchor for reordering gateways won't move to bottom position
  • Status changed from Not a Bug to Confirmed

I was able to reproduce one problem here. You can't use the anchor to move a gateway to the bottom of the list. You can move a gateway anywhere else, though.

You can work around that by moving it second to last and then moving the bottom gateway above it.

Otherwise it's as I suspected: Dynamic gateway entries (not in the config) don't get an anchor on their row because they don't exist in the config, and without a config entry, there is no way for them to be reordered. You have to edit/save them all so they get into the config first. #12920 is where that sort of difference in behavior is being addressed where possible.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

  • Category changed from Web Interface to Gateways
Actions #6

Updated by Michael Kellogg almost 2 years ago

could they at least be sorted by name by default to match interfaces sorting ?

Actions #7

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

Michael Kellogg wrote in #note-6:

could they at least be sorted by name by default to match interfaces sorting ?

No, because the order is significant when it comes to automatic selection. Interfaces are not sorted either.

We could maybe enable JavaScript sorting on the table so you can click the column headers to sort, but that would be a separate feature request.

Actions #8

Updated by Jim Pingle almost 2 years ago

Jim Pingle wrote in #note-7:

No, because the order is significant when it comes to automatic selection. Interfaces are not sorted either.

A point of clarification here: There is a cosmetic per-user GUI option to enable interface sorting but it does not change the backend behavior. Changing the gateways depending on that per-user cosmetic option would not reflect the reality of their actual behavior for automatic selection as it does now.


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