

Lev Prokofev

  • Login: lev-negate
  • Registered on: 11/11/2021
  • Last connection: 12/27/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 8 25 33


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Reporter 11/11/2021
Bootstrap Reporter 11/11/2021
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter 11/11/2021
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 11/11/2021
pfSense Plus Reporter 11/11/2021



04:18 PM pfSense Bug #15588: The picking of CA in the LDAP config is inconsistent.
Even after restarting PHP and GUI, the behavior was inconsistent, I set the wrong cert (R3), saved, restarted PHP and... Lev Prokofev
10:03 AM pfSense Bug #15588 (New): The picking of CA in the LDAP config is inconsistent.
It appears that the picking of the CA is inconsistent, I have various CAs, and only one is valid for the communicatio... Lev Prokofev
05:23 AM pfSense Plus Bug #15581: OpenVPN wizard generates PHP error
I can confirm this behavior ... Lev Prokofev


09:46 AM pfSense Bug #15110: pfSense hangs when rebooting

#2694043009 The latest test shows _Khelp module "ertt" can't unload until its refcount drops from 5 to 0._
Lev Prokofev


09:08 AM pfSense Bug #15584 (Confirmed): Redacting description at Interfaces=>LAGGs section cause LAGG interface rebuild.
If you decide to change the description for existed LAGG interface at Interfaces=>LAGGs it will cause the link down/u... Lev Prokofev


08:13 AM pfSense Regression #15578: Saving an existing certificate authority creates a duplicate
I can confirm this behavior
Lev Prokofev


08:52 AM pfSense Bug #15551: New Kea DHCP breaks my PXE booting
It could be related to Lev Prokofev


06:20 AM pfSense Regression #15556: Net installer fails (24.06-beta-6) to set vlan tag for PPPoE
It is fixed in pfSense-plus-installer-24.06-BETA7-amd64-latest.img the issue can be marked as resolved. Lev Prokofev


07:54 AM pfSense Regression #15556 (Closed): Net installer fails (24.06-beta-6) to set vlan tag for PPPoE
It was working before on pfSense-plus-installer-24.10-DEVELOPMENT-amd64-20240531-0600.img but now on pfSense-plus-ins... Lev Prokofev


08:44 AM pfSense Bug #13723: dpinger doesn't renew Gateway Monitoring IP address for IPsec VTi after changing IPsec VTi subnet
Tested on 24.03, the monitoring IP changes immediately after applying the changes. Lev Prokofev

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