Bug #14421
closedOPT interfaces randomly reassign NICs on reboot when virtualised instances used
I've had this issue with all (20+) of my instances virtualised under VMware ESXi (all flavours). I don't know whether this issue extends to physical hardware as I don't run any physical hardware that has more than 3 interfaces.
Basically, what happens is - with a pfSense virtual instance with more than LAN and WAN and more than 1 OPT interface, the OPT interface assignments always get randomly reassigned on reboot of the host hypervisor and subsequent startup of a pfSense VM.
I have never yet seen an instance where WAN or LAN gets swapped or reassigned to a different NIC, but it always happens with 2 or greater OPT interfaces (and the more OPT interfaces you have the more chance you have of finding the randomised NIC assignment is the wrong one).
This is fixed manually by going into interface assignments and reassigning the interfaces, but clearly this shouldn't be happening. I would suggest a fix being to maintain an internal list of MAC addresses associated to OPT interfaces and ensuring that the interfaces are assigned correctly on reboot (or at least give a warning in the GUI if the automatic reassignment is problematic).
I realise that you would prefer to have technical logfiles or errors, but I have checked in System/General and whilst the interface assignments appear to occur during startup there are no errors prior to the assignments and all that happens is the interface name and MAC are listed. If you can point me to a different location where the relevant logs are captured then I can furnish you with them.