Bug #14591
openRestoring with different interfaces (partially?) applies changes before reboot
Initial forum topic: https://forum.netgate.com/topic/181356/restore-issues-apply-changes-button-missing-save-does-not-reboot/
I had observed that when restoring to a router with a lower number of interfaces, there are a handful of unexpected (to me) results:
- the Apply Changes button does not appear until after one deletes or adds and interface
- if the restore uses a different IP range for LAN, Save partially applies the new IPs and connection to the router is lost ("The console shows the interfaces from the restored config in the menu...but ifconfig shows the old IPs from before the restore.")
- If it is expected that Save should be clicked before Apply, the text at the top of the page should say to do that. :)
Entered as Plus since that's what I used though I doubt it's Plus-specific. Mine were on 23.05 and 23.05.1. Replicated on a 4860, 6100, and 2100.
Related issues
Updated by Jim Pingle over 1 year ago
- Tracker changed from Regression to Bug
- Project changed from pfSense Plus to pfSense
- Category changed from Backup / Restore to Backup / Restore
- Assignee set to Steve Wheeler
- Affected Plus Version deleted (
Updated by Jim Pingle over 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #8076: User can easily apply an unusable interface configuration after restore added
Updated by Jim Pingle over 1 year ago
- Related to Bug #8089: VLAN page breaks after config restore to new hardware. added
Updated by Steve Y over 1 year ago
That does sound very similar but only one of my cases was using VLANs (restore from 4860 to a very temporary 2100 with a TAC updated config). Thanks.
For lurkers, a "pre-workaround" for one circumstance is to not assign-and-disable interfaces you aren't using 🤦, so you don't have to restore while decreasing the interface count. Presumably one can manually edit the config file as well to remove those before the restore...didn't try that as I already had the console connected each time.
Updated by Steve Y 10 months ago
I ran into this again today, restoring a 3100 config to a 2100, both running 23.09.1. I deleted the OPT1 interface during the web GUI interface (re)assignment and clicked Apply. After I clicked Apply pfSense said it was going to restart. I don't know if it did at that point. Neither old nor new LAN IP was pingable (after changing the PC IP). I was remote; the person in the office powered it off at that point. After connecting the console cable, on the boot pfSense is stuck prompting to assign VLANs/interfaces.
I restored a second 3100 to a 2100, and this time clicked Save first, then Apply. That router was accessible on the new LAN IP after the boot, it did not prompt.