Bug #15334
closedInterface Description not updated properly when add/creating new interface in Snort
Brilliant pfSense DevTeam!
in Services / Suricata package
on Interfaces
Interface Description not updated properly in General Settings / Description when add/creating new interface in Suricata (by pressing “+” button at the right):
When page first time loaded, the Description field are pre-filled by Inreface name (taked from Interfaces / General Configurateion page from Description field).
AFTER ANOTHER INTERFACE from drop-down list SELECTED , the DESCRIPTION PRE-FILLED BY BSD INTERFACE NAME (LAN, WAN, OPT1, OPT2,…) and not the Inreface name (taked from Interfaces / General Configurateion page from Description field).
Also would be good after first page loading AUTOMATICALLY take focus and select all text in Description field to eliminate User interaction and improve overall User’s UI experience.
Updated by Chris W 9 months ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
To be clear, what you're looking for is to select any interface in Snort (and Suricata) and have the Description form field auto-filled with the name shown in the main Interfaces dropdown menu (another Description field), is that correct? I see what you're saying in that the Description field doesn't change with the interface you select in the dropdown when adding a new one. A few things to note:
1. Snort always offers interfaces to add in the order which they appear to the system. If you start with no interfaces, click +Add, the Interface dropdown will be set to ix0, for example (likely your WAN). If you complete that addition and add another, that second offered interface will be ix1 (likely your LAN). Then ix2 (OPT1), ix3, etc.
2. When adding an interface, you can manually delete what's auto-entered in the Description field, fill out the rest of the page as normal, and when you click Save, the Description column and tab name will match that of the interface name. For example, select the GUESTWIFI interface, delete Description: OPT1, click Save. Then on the Interface Overview's Description column, you'll see GUESTWIFI instead of OPT1. This is just a workaround which saves you having to type out the description for now.
Updated by Bill Meeks 9 months ago
A pull request has been submitted against the RELENG_2_7_2 branch of pfSense CE to correct this issue: https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-ports/pull/1355.
When this pull request is merged, this issue can be marked RESOLVED.
Updated by Jim Pingle 9 months ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
PR merged, thanks!