



Bug #15507


Wireguard stuck interface on boot

Added by mrpops2ko . 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

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i'm sure this has been reported before but it seems all those have been marked as resolved but this still occurs for me.

the only resolution for this is to reinstall from scratch pfsense and its completely random when this bug appears. for example you could set up 30 wireguard instances and if they will all boot up at start up once, then you can be assured they will continue to do so.

if though, you encounter one which won't boot up, then you will perpetually be stuck with that interface. i got unlucky before and it had a knock on effect with stalling the other interfaces.

the only resolution for this is to got o interfaces, locate the stuck one and then click apply so that it re-attempts it - in doing so though, it will force all the other instances down and then back up

as a picture is a worth a thousand words, heres a gif of the exact problem. this is persistent, and won't go away. i can induce / repeat this constantly.

Actions #1

Updated by mrpops2ko . 7 months ago

oh and the bad thing about this, is that if you restore from backup config file then you'll also migrate whatever the problem is back into the system lol

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Pingle 7 months ago

  • Project changed from pfSense to pfSense Packages
  • Category changed from WireGuard to WireGuard
  • Release Notes deleted (Default)

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