

mrpops2ko .

  • Login: mrpops2ko
  • Registered on: 05/23/2023
  • Last connection: 05/06/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 7 10



01:19 AM pfSense Packages Bug #15507: Wireguard stuck interface on boot
oh and the bad thing about this, is that if you restore from backup config file then you'll also migrate whatever the... mrpops2ko .
01:18 AM pfSense Packages Bug #15507 (New): Wireguard stuck interface on boot
i'm sure this has been reported before but it seems all those have been marked as resolved but this still occurs for ... mrpops2ko .


12:01 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15505 (New): Traffic graphs inaccurate when using Limiters (FQ_CODEL)
this has been ongoing for over a year now, i'm not sure what the issue is.
in short what happens is the traffic g...
mrpops2ko .
04:27 AM pfSense Feature #15504 (Duplicate): PPPoE support for online installer
The new installer requires internet access to function, but for some of us we rely on PPPoE in order to get a WAN con... mrpops2ko .


12:58 PM pfSense Bug #15482 (Rejected): NTP logic
it seems to be the case that NTP back end interface querying is hierarchical and if the first rule it encounters fail... mrpops2ko .
02:13 AM pfSense Bug #15480 (Rejected): IX polling driver
hello i tried searching for this but found little information
this polling man page
mrpops2ko .
12:57 AM pfSense Docs Todo #15479: Feedback on DNS — Creating Wildcard Records in DNS Forwarder/Resolver
edit: oh it does mention it, but more so in the DNS MASQ section, when i was doing this for unbound
i wonder if th...
mrpops2ko .
12:54 AM pfSense Docs Todo #15479 (Closed): Feedback on DNS — Creating Wildcard Records in DNS Forwarder/Resolver
can we suggest that ...
mrpops2ko .


02:36 PM pfSense Docs Correction #15467 (Rejected): Feedback on pfSense® software Configuration Recipes — Configuring CoDel Limiters for Bufferbloat
hi i would like to s...
mrpops2ko .


02:21 AM pfSense Packages Bug #14429 (New): Wireguard - Tunnel Will Never Handshake Again After WAN PPPoE Reset
Looking through the wireguard issues this one is the one that best describes the problem.
mrpops2ko .

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