Bug #15534
openpfSense’s installer not table to see ZFS-formatted internal drive
Brilliant pfSense DevTeam!
Installing pfSense CE 2.7.2-REL from USB-flash (Transcend 16Gb USB 2.0, image from Netgate servers, bootable usb created by Rufus) on a bare-metal server (Fujitsu Primergy RX300 S7, LSI RAID10 on PCI) as recovery operation to reinstall pfSense.
pfSense able to successfully reading previous config.xml file from internal disk (which are VDISK based on RAID) but CANNOT see internal disk (mfid0) when proceeding to install and choose “Auto ZFS” option and “stripe” option: ONLY BOOTABLE USB-drive (da0) ARE IN LIST available to choose.
But if re-initializing RAID (no matter “slow” or “fast” initialization used on RAID’s BIOS utility level), in the pfSense installer after “Auto ZFS” and “stripe” options, BOTH USB-FLASH AND RAID VDISK ARE IN LIST and available to choose.
So, there are some impossibility to pfSense’s installer to see previously ZFS-formatted drive.
How to fix this issue?