

Christopher Cope

  • Login: ccope
  • Registered on: 12/15/2021
  • Last connection: 12/07/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 36 39
Reported issues 10 44 54


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 12/15/2021
Bootstrap Reporter 12/15/2021
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 12/15/2021
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 12/15/2021
pfSense Plus Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 12/15/2021



02:47 PM pfSense Bug #15912: ``pkill`` errors are printed to the console
I'm not seeing this on 24.11 nor 25.03.
I did see a similar error come through on boot on 25.03, before any commands...
Christopher Cope


10:52 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15911 (Confirmed): PHP error in haproxy configuration change description
Issue confirmed on... Christopher Cope
10:26 PM pfSense Regression #15890 (Resolved): Unable to change DNS Forwarder domain overrides
Tested on... Christopher Cope
10:21 PM pfSense Bug #15876 (Resolved): Routing Advertisements daemon fails to start when configured with more than 3 RDNSS entries in a prefix
Fix is applied and working as expected on... Christopher Cope


09:12 PM pfSense Bug #15876: Routing Advertisements daemon fails to start when configured with more than 3 RDNSS entries in a prefix
Applying the changes as a patch on... Christopher Cope


10:31 PM pfSense Bug #15834 (Resolved): Package menus with the same name but different sections do not get removed
Installing and removing squid on... Christopher Cope


06:54 PM pfSense Feature #15437 (Resolved): Use natural sorting when sorting interfaces
Looks good on... Christopher Cope
06:45 PM pfSense Bug #15711 (Resolved): Special characters in the ACB configuration change description can cause PHP errors
Tested on... Christopher Cope


08:11 PM pfSense Bug #15725 (Resolved): Dashboard widgets refresh at unintended intervals
Tested on... Christopher Cope
07:56 PM pfSense Bug #15373 (Resolved): Firewall Logs Dashboard widget update interval does not behave as expected
Tested on... Christopher Cope

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