Bug #15671
closedSetting the Port Forward interface to an interface group selects an invalid destination
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Version: 24.03
When creating a port forward NAT rule for the WireGuard interface group, the 'Destination Type' drop-down goes to a blank value, and the rule can be saved with no destination type. Then on the port forward NAT rules page, the "Dest. Address" shows as "/".
#1 attachment: Default port forward NAT rule page.
#2 attachment: Change Interface to WireGuard interface group. Destination Type drop-down automatically goes to a blank value.
#3 attachment: Add a few other values so the rule can be saved.
#4 attachment: Rule saved, showing Dest. Address as "/".
<rule> <source> <any></any> </source> <destination> <address>/</address> <port>53</port> </destination> <ipprotocol>inet</ipprotocol> <protocol>tcp/udp</protocol> <target></target> <local-port>53</local-port> <interface>WireGuard</interface> <descr><![CDATA[Test]]></descr> <associated-rule-id>nat_66b1d23ce99463.44930278</associated-rule-id> <updated> <time>1722929724</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@removedIPv6 (Local Database)]]></username> </updated> <created> <time>1722929724</time> <username><![CDATA[admin@removedIPv6 (Local Database)]]></username> </created> </rule>
Updated by Marcos M 5 months ago
- Subject changed from Port Forward NAT rule for WireGuard Interface Group - odd destination address to Setting the Port Forward interface to an interface group selects an invalid destination
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Marcos M
- Target version set to 2.8.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Plus Target Version set to 24.08
- Affected Architecture All added
Updated by Danilo Zrenjanin 5 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
I was able to replicate this behavior on 24.03.
The issue is resolved on the latest 24.08 Development build.
I am closing this case.
Updated by Jim Pingle 2 months ago
- Plus Target Version changed from 24.08 to 24.11