Bug #15830
closed``process_alias_urltable()`` can fail to create an archive of a URL table alias when RAM disks are enabled
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% Done:
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Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:
Force Exclusion
Affected Version:
Affected Architecture:
When processing an alias url table, if memory disks are being used the function will attempt to write a gzipped archive of the table to /cf/conf/RAM_Disk_Store to potentially be restored later on a reboot. However, unlike other rc scripts that do similar archiving, this function does not ensure that the destination directory actually exists and thus may fail to write the file.
Updated by Reid Linnemann 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 11bafcfbb53885bbb4f8cd2300c28ab89cb81af2.
Updated by Jim Pingle 3 months ago
- Subject changed from process_alias_urltable() can fail to create an archive of a url table when memory disks are used to ``process_alias_urltable()`` can fail to create an archive of a URL table alias when RAM disks are enabled
- Target version changed from 24.11 to 2.8.0
- Plus Target Version set to 24.11
Updated by Marcos M 3 months ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
- Release Notes changed from Default to Force Exclusion
- Affected Version set to 2.8.0
Confirmed resolved: