Feature #1834
Stateless autoconfig WAN type for IPv6
Added by Chris Buechler over 13 years ago.
Updated about 12 years ago.
Need a WAN type for stateless autoconfiguration for IPv6, that's not going to be common in typical Internet firewall deployments, but it will probably be needed for a number of appliance-type deployments.
Further investigation:
We need to extend the DHCP6 settings on the interfaces.php with the following information modes.
Request Info
Request Address
Request Prefix
For Slaac WANS we need to disable address and prefix, otherwise it will not succeed and launch /etc/rc.newwanipv6. Possible firewall rule issue exists as well.
- Status changed from New to Feedback
I've added the option SLAAC to the list, this hooks into the dhcp6 client to request information only.
But it does not request any other information.
The current DHCP6 client already has a address only mode. Set the prefix delegation to "None" and it will only request a Address. I didn't think of that last night.
I've checked that it successfully fires off rc.newwanipv6 and adds the IPv6 nameservers and a default route.
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
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