Bug #2314
Members to bridge not added
Added by Florian Hibler almost 13 years ago.
Updated almost 13 years ago.
After creating or editing a bridge (I guess that restarts the bridge), all members are gone. Also deleting and creating a new one isn't working.
Added them manually afterwards at shell with:
ifconfig bridge0 addm em1 addm em2 up
After a reboot the members are gone as well and not added automatically.
- Priority changed from High to Normal
You did a binary upgrade or just gitsync to 2.1?
I did the daily update via the webgui, so I guess that's a binary update.
confirming this issue on 2.1-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Sat Apr 7 22:44:34 EDT 2012
FreeBSD 8.3-RC2
(installed on a new system).
I can also confirm this behaviour on:
2.1-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Sun Apr 22 05:15:07 EDT 2012
Adding myself as a watcher because this is fairly important for my setup. I've hopefully worked around the issue by adding the above-mentioned `ifconfig addm ..` command(s) to system bootup via the shellcmd package.
- Status changed from New to Feedback
I think it works, with one small typo fixed:
pfSense_bridge_add_member($bridgeif, $realifl);
last later should be number 1, not lower case L
(line 518 in /etc/inc/interface.inc)
pfSense_bridge_add_member($bridgeif, $realif1);
Ah you're right, I didn't copy/paste or save from the test box to the repo like I usually do. Easy to miss in the font I'm using in my editor. Fix pushed
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Tested newest snapshots and it works for me.
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