Bug #2475
closedConnection rate limiting does not work for Captive Portal
Using pfSense 2.0.1. Installation of pfSense as a CP at a big exhibition fair failed because the connection rate limiting function does not work. Just a few clients hammering the CP login page can consume all the available CPU time.
The "Maximum concurrent connections" option sets the "evasive.max-conns-per-ip" option in /var/etc/lighty-CaptivePortal.conf. This option is ignored by lighttpd since the module mod_evasive.so is missing from pfSense. Even if the lighttpd package is rebuild and that module is put in place, the /etc/inc/system.inc file needs to be modified to actually load the module in lighty-CaptivePortal.conf.
Last time I checked on 2.1 (6 June, 2012) the module was missing as well. I am also fond of doing the rate-limiting using ipfw (which is used by CP) to prevent lighttpd using a lot of CPU cycles for resetting connections.