Bug #2614
closedScheduler bug - fires off on date not matched correctly
I use Scheduler to trigger many rules, today the rules were all activated
The last date that was still in there was 8 August, today on 28 August it activated - it was clear that 28 August wasn't listed.
So i am guessing a date matching routine has a bug.
Updated by Ermal Luçi over 12 years ago
Can you provide some examples from your config to debug this easily?
Updated by Sangye Ngawang over 12 years ago
- File cron-config-llsense3.lerabling.org-20120828192814.xml cron-config-llsense3.lerabling.org-20120828192814.xml added
No i can't give my config - but ill add the scheduled tasks and hope that this is related to the scheduler menu item. Full config too private can't give you all that.
What do you need to see, the scheduler? That record is deleted, sure you can just create an 8 August 2012 and set the date to 28th and see it kick in.
The Rules trigger from the scheduler - i don't think there is anything to see there. They work, they trigger according to the scheduler. No complaints except that today it went off when it wasn't supposed to.
Updated by Ermal Luçi over 12 years ago
I would need to see the scheduler section to validate that nothing is missing with that.
Updated by Sangye Ngawang over 12 years ago
Attached is a screengrab from the scheduler section, but i have to change it now for a scheduled streaming event tomorrow.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 12 years ago
You can go back under Diagnostics > Backup/Restore on the Config History tab and get an older version of your config from before you had to change it, and then copy out just the scheduler section from there.
Updated by Sangye Ngawang over 12 years ago
That is in fact what i already did, nevertheless the scheduler fired off on 28 August while it was set as you see there. Thats a bug. Done my best to report it.
Updated by Phillip Davis over 12 years ago
For a start, this code looks odd in /etc/inc/filter.inc at 3015: if($timeday['month'])
$month = $timeday['month'];
$week = "";
That will allow the month in some previous entries to carry forward to the next entry that does not specify a month. I have submitted a pull request for the problems that I can see.
Updated by Renato Botelho about 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Renato Botelho
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Could you please confirm the issue persists on recent snapshots?
Updated by Phillip Davis about 12 years ago
This should have been fixed by https://github.com/bsdperimeter/pfsense/commit/50b3fc5a0e1fb99747c325f6f5746f47d01e4f04
and https://github.com/bsdperimeter/pfsense/commit/daa06fb79f82e95d3d53106f2f56f20505e5e9e6
I believe it is OK - but have not tested/checked it recently.
Updated by Renato Botelho about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed