



Bug #3005


cant delete or edit unknown CAs and certificate (orphan entries)

Added by Bipin Chandra about 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

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im on latest nanobsd of 2.1-RC0 (i386) and not able to delete orphan CA and certificate entries,s creenshots attached


CropperCapture[2].jpg (19.9 KB) CropperCapture[2].jpg Bipin Chandra, 05/24/2013 04:16 AM
CropperCapture[3].jpg (16.3 KB) CropperCapture[3].jpg Bipin Chandra, 05/24/2013 04:16 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle about 11 years ago

How did they get there?

We'll need to see a copy of the relevant portions of your config.xml not just screenshots.

Actions #2

Updated by Bipin Chandra about 11 years ago

i checked the config file and i cant seem to find it in config file but it shows on my cert list on the gui.

the config file has <cert/> only after which my other cert, can that be causing it?

Actions #3

Updated by Bipin Chandra about 11 years ago

no idea how it got there but in older snaps etc i used to use SSH so it might have generated that time and when i stopped using it and disabled it, it might have left that

Actions #4

Updated by Bipin Chandra about 11 years ago

ok figured it out, there were one left over <cert/> and <ca/> tag before the actual ones with valid entries, removed both and it solved the issue, probably it would be good to make the gui ignore such entries or the config upgrade utility detect and delete them for other such stuff or atleast make the delete button in different places be able to delete them.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Pingle about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #6

Updated by Jim Pingle about 11 years ago

Actions #7

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

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