



Feature #3199


Option to accumulate or not IP addresses in Alias table of FQDNs

Added by Phillip Davis almost 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Rules / NAT
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As at the time of writing, an Alias of FQDNs gets the FQDNs translated to the corresponding IP addresses and a table is created in pf containing these addresses. The FQDN translations are checked every so often (5 minutes by default) and if the FQDN now translates to a different IP address, that new IP address is added to the table. So the table gradually gets bigger.
Sometimes this behaviour is desired - e.g. FQDNs like "", "", "" that are a "revolving door" of IP addresses. The admin might want the system to gradually accumulate the known IP addresses for the FQDN/s and have some firewall rule/s apply to pass or block the whole set of known addresses. (admittedly this is not very effective!)
But sometimes this behaviour is not required. For example, a list of the FQDNs that translate to dynamic IPs of remote offices which make site-to-site connections into a central office. The remote office updates its dynamic DNS when its public IP address changes. 5 minutes later, the alias at the server end is checked and updated. There is a firewall rule allowing only connections into the site-to-site OpenVPN server from the FQDNs in the alias. In this case the table for the alias should ONLY have the current IP address corresponding to each FQDN.
Proposed solution: have an attribute of an alias that is a checkbox (boolean) so the admin can decide to select "accumulate all known IP addresses for this alias", or not (meaning keep only the latest IP address for each FQDN in the table).


RemoteOffices.png (25.8 KB) RemoteOffices.png Phillip Davis, 09/14/2013 11:30 PM

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