Bug #3282
closedGateway error "You can not use a IPv4 Gateway Address on a IPv6 only interface." is not accurate
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Attempting to add an IPv4 gateway to an interface where no IPv4 address can be located results in the error "You can not use a IPv4 Gateway Address on a IPv6 only interface." even if there is no IPv6 configured on that interface.
It should be changed to something that more accurately describes the situation, such as:
"Cannot add IPv4 Gateway Address because no IPv4 address could be found on the interface."
Alternately, if some code is added to also check for the presence of an IPv6 address then the "You can not use a IPv4 Gateway Address on a IPv6 only interface." may be printed but only if that case is actually true.
The test in question is at source:usr/local/www/system_gateways_edit.php#L119