Bug #3512
closedFirewall Rules list page, advanced hover text missing for some advanced rule options
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Normally when there are some advanced rule options specified on a rule, the little "a" sign is displayed in the left column and hovering over it shows a short-hand version of what advanced rule options are set.
If any of the following advanced options are set, they are not included in that hover text:
a) Operating System "os"
b) Diff Server Code Point "dscp"
c) 'nopfsync'
d) 'vlanprio' and 'vlanprioset' (802.11p options)
e) 'ackqueue' and 'defaultqueue'
After adding 'nopfsync' the other option 'nosync' will be a bit ambiguous - so make that hover text 'No XMLRPC Sync'.
Updated by Phillip Davis almost 11 years ago
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Pull request has been merged
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved