Bug #351
closedVouchers backup
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Active vouchers are not written to the configuration file, after reboot/upgrade/powerfail can be re-used with an initial time.
/etc/rc.savevoucher is not marked executable, so that even minicron for storing vouchers is running, it is never launced.
But there is fatal bug in voucher_save_db_to_config() which causes pfsense crash due to an error in generated config.xml - active vouchers are named <0>, <1>,<2> etc. - not allowed in XML file.
/* Save active and used voucher DB into XML config and write it to flash * Called during reboot -> system_reboot_cleanup() and minicron */ function voucher_save_db_to_config() { global $config, $g; if (!isset($config['voucher']['enable']) || $config['voucher']['saveinterval'] == 0) return; // no vouchers or don't want to save DB's if (!is_subsystem_dirty('voucher')) return; // nothing changed. $voucherlck = lock('voucher'); // walk all active rolls and save runtime DB's to flash $a_roll = &$config['voucher']['roll']; // foreach ($a_roll as $rollent) { while (list($key, $value) = each($a_roll)) { $rollent = &$a_roll[$key]; $roll = $rollent['number']; $bitmask = voucher_read_used_db($roll); $rollent['used'] = base64_encode($bitmask); $active_vouchers = voucher_read_active_db($roll); $db = array(); $dbi = 1; foreach($active_vouchers as $voucher => $line) { list($timestamp,$minutes) = explode(",", $line); $activent['voucher'] = $voucher; $activent['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $activent['minutes'] = $minutes; $db['v' . sprintf("%03d", $dbi)] = $activent; // write <v001>, <v002>, ... instead of <0>, <1> (not allowed in XML file) $dbi++; } $rollent['active'] = $db; } clear_subsystem_dirty('voucher'); unlock($voucherlck); write_config(); return; }
After this change it's safe to mark /etc/rc.savevoucher executable, config.xml is no more broken
Q: Is 1000 active vouchers per roll enough? If not, please replace sprintf("%03d",... with something else