



Bug #4784


IPsec mobile fails with VPNC and "Network List" after 2.2.x upgrade

Added by Jody Rudolph over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
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Plus Target Version:
Release Notes:
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We usually use a wrapper client (Shimo) for vpnc that helps us with some route automation, but for purposes of simplification in troubleshooting this, I have recreated the exact error with a bare vpnc install. Same error seen on any version of VPNC I have managed to try. Always recreated.

Error on Client side:

Jodys-MacBook-Pro:vpnc jrudolph$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/vpnc
Enter IPSec gateway address: X.X.X.X
Enter IPSec ID for X.X.X.X:
Enter IPSec secret for @X.X.X.X:
Enter username for X.X.X.X: jrudolph
Enter password for :
configuration response rejected: (ISAKMP_N_PAYLOAD_MALFORMED)(16)

Error on Server Side:


Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[CFG] <con1|12> lease by 'jrudolph' went offline
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[IKE] <con1|12> deleting IKE_SA con112 between XXXXXXXXXXXXX....XXXXXXXXXXXX
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[IKE] <con1|12> deleting IKE_SA con112 between XXXXXXXXX...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[IKE] <con1|12> received DELETE for IKE_SA con112
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[IKE] <con1|12> received DELETE for IKE_SA con112
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[ENC] <con1|12> parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 54 [ HASH D ]
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 05[NET] <con1|12> received packet: from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 11[IKE] <con1|12> received PAYLOAD_MALFORMED error notify
Jun 21 17:32:27 charon: 11[IKE] <con1|12> received PAYLOAD_MALFORMED error notify

All tunnels were working up until upgrade

Client OS: Latest Apple OSX
Client: vpnc
Auth Method: PSK + XAuth

PHASE 1 Settings:

Key Exchange: V1
IP: V4
Interface: Carp Virtual IP Interface

Auth Method: Mutual PSK + XAuth
Negotiation: Aggressive
My Id: My IP Address
Peer Id: UDN
psk: <psk here>

Enc: AES256 (or 128)
Hash: SHA1
DH Group: 2

NAT-T: Force/Auto
DPD: On 10/5 / or off

PHASE 2 Settings:

Mode: TunIP4
Type: Network

Protocol: ESP (tried auth only)
Enc: AES256 (or 128)
Hash: SHA1
PFS Key Group: 2
Lifetime: 28800 (tried many combos here)

Mobile Clients Settings:

User Auth: Local DB
Group Auth: System

Network List Checked
Save XAuth Checked (I think this was unchecked before but got checked during my 6 hours trying to make this work)

Phase 2 PFS Group: Checked and 2


ipsec.log (499 KB) ipsec.log anonymized logfile Edward Roper, 06/26/2015 02:49 PM
Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.07.09.png (150 KB) Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.07.09.png David Harrigan, 06/30/2015 04:11 AM
Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.07.49.png (116 KB) Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.07.49.png David Harrigan, 06/30/2015 04:11 AM
ipsec-log.rtf (40.1 KB) ipsec-log.rtf David Harrigan, 06/30/2015 04:11 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Chris Buechler over 9 years ago

  • Category set to IPsec
  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • Assignee set to Chris Buechler
  • Target version set to 2.3
  • Affected Version changed from 2.2.2 to 2.2.x

there is something wrong here, though it's not clear what. The issue is replicable with Jody's config, and a slightly different config that works with iOS and OS X. Not sure if that's an issue in vpnc or strongswan, will investigate further later. Doesn't appear to be a config problem or a problem in anything we're doing.

Actions #2

Updated by Edward Roper over 9 years ago

I'm also having this issue. Please let me know if there is any specific information I can provide to assist. Everything was working on 2.2.2 and stopped working with the 2.2.3 upgrade.

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle over 9 years ago

Edward Roper wrote:

I'm also having this issue. Please let me know if there is any specific information I can provide to assist. Everything was working on 2.2.2 and stopped working with the 2.2.3 upgrade.

Your issue is likely #4791 and not related to this ticket.

Actions #4

Updated by Edward Roper over 9 years ago

Jim P wrote:

Your issue is likely #4791 and not related to this ticket.

Thanks Jim,

That was my first thought, but it remains broken after disabling AESNI and rebooting (unless I did this incorrectly). It's still entirely possible that it's not related to this issue though.

root: kldstat
Id Refs Address            Size     Name
 1    3 0xffffffff80200000 22d84b0  kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff82611000 cf4      coretemp.ko
Actions #5

Updated by David Harrigan over 9 years ago


I can confirm that this issue is still affecting me - with the disable AES-NI workaround enabled. My iOS clients cannot connect anymore - all failing with "Wrong Shared Secret".


Actions #6

Updated by David Harrigan over 9 years ago


Attached are the screenshots of the VPN configuration for this, along with a log file of the connection attempt. I hope it helps.


Actions #7

Updated by Chris Buechler over 9 years ago

this ticket is specific to vpnc and only vpnc. iOS PSK issues in 2.2.3 is #4806

Actions #8

Updated by Carter Baller over 9 years ago

Looks like it has something to do with the "Network List" option in VPN: IPsec: Mobile section. If that is checked, I receive "ISAKMP_N_PAYLOAD_MALFORMED(16)" when attempting to use vpnc. ShrewSoft works fine.

I'm running 2.2.4.

Actions #9

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from ipsec mobile tunnels fail from VPNC after 2.2.2 upgrade (from 2.1.5) to IPsec mobile fails with VPNC and "Network List" after 2.2.x upgrade
  • Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
  • Target version deleted (2.3)

this looks to be a problem in vpnc. It works fine if you leave the "Provide a list of accessible networks to clients" box unchecked. vpnc can be configured to work around it. It isn't used much so isn't worth digging into further at this time.

Actions #10

Updated by Edward Roper almost 9 years ago

This is/was affecting a large number of my geographically dispersed Mac OS X users using the "Cisco IPSec" configuration. This regression has kept us at 2.2.2, which isn't ideal in the long run. If there's a viable workaround for these clients I'm not sure what it is. Could you please provide information?


Actions #11

Updated by Edward Roper almost 9 years ago

Sorry I overlooked comment #7. I retract my previous comment on this bug ;)

Actions #12

Updated by Frederic Lietart over 8 years ago


Same problem on version 2.3-RC built on Wed Apr 06 05:34:38 CDT 2016

It works fine if you leave the "Provide a list of accessible networks to clients" box unchecked. vpnc can be configured to work around it.



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