Todo #5222
closedDefault dashboard has lots of widgets displayed in closed state
In 2.2.* when you reset to factory defaults only very minimal widgets are displayed on the dashboard, then the user chooses to add what they want.
On 2.3-ALPHA Thus Oct 01 01:24:49 CDT 2015, the dashboard after factory defaults has loads of widgets shown in the closed state.
I looked in the default config.xml - indeed these widgets are all listed in <widgets> <sequence> for the default config in 2.2.* and 2.3, so no change there.
I guess there is something different between 2.2.* and 2.3 that is causing lots of these widgets to be displayed in closed state on 2.3, but not displayed at all on 2.2.*
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Todo
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee changed from Anonymous to Phillip Davis
2.2.x draws all of the widgets all of the time, but hides the ones you don't want to see via Javascript. 2.3 only displays the widgets that have been selected for display, allowing the removal of a great deal of that complicated Javascript.
The best solution to this issue was to edit the default config file and set the widgets we don't want to see after a "reset to defaults" to "none". This change also allows a widget to be set to "close" by default, which will show it on the dashboard in a closed state as a user might expect.
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset pfsense:79da790bf34762693749e096d61517dc20a3d0f1.
Updated by Renato Botelho about 9 years ago
- Project changed from Bootstrap to pfSense
Updated by Phillip Davis about 9 years ago
This is good.
I just tried reset to factory defaults, went through the wizard... and came up with a dashboard that just has System Information and Interfaces widgets.