Bug #5516
closedRedirect after update firmware fails if pfSense not online after 90seconds --> browser time-out
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pkg_mgr_install has a js counter function that does a windows.location("/index.php") after 90 seconds.
if pfSense hasn't booted after 90 seconds, the browser will eventually get a "problem loading page"....
I've created a PR for this, which works, but has room for improvement. (js & ajax make my stomach hurt)
Updated by jeroen van breedam about 9 years ago
Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago
Timer is WIP. Will cherry pick this later today.
Updated by Jim Thompson about 9 years ago
if you cherry-picked this (it seems to work), could you do something with this issue?
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Project changed from pfSense Packages to pfSense
- Category set to Web Interface