Todo #5574
closedTodo #5568: Convert Package PHP GUI Files to Bootstrap
Convert the pfSense package HAProxy (net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy) to Bootstrap
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Convert the pfSense package HAProxy (net/pfSense-pkg-haproxy) to Bootstrap
Updated by Pi Ba about 9 years ago
imho, this package should not be converted, but copied from haproxy-devel after that one is done.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 9 years ago
- Assignee set to Jim Pingle
Assigning to me for the time being. PiBa-NL is going to sync this over from haproxy-devel which should allow it to be closed out.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 9 years ago
It's been synced over but needs to catch up to changes with print_info_box* in base, PiBa is working on another PR for that.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Merged the PR and it's built and up now. Installed, looks good here. Problems unrelated to the Bootstrap conversion should go into new tickets.