Feature #5665
closedAllow moving of the "Available Widgets" bar just like other widgets
My suggestion is that you allow "Available Widgets" bar to be movable just like the other widgets. In a way, that would make it a widget. People will set the dashboard to their own preference and may want to move the "Available Widgets" bar at the bottom of the screen. Obviously, don't allow it to be removable. Personally, it would look better at the bottom of the screen, but others might disagree so lets just allow people to decide for themselves. Perhaps also offer it in half-screen size (like IPsec widget).
Updated by Phillip Davis about 9 years ago
Yes, it could live in a column, like the "real" widgets. By default it could go in column 1 above the System Information widget. Users could move it around in just the same way as the "real" widgets to wherever they like in the dashboard columns.
Hmmm - how hard would that be to code?
Updated by Anonymous about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Priority changed from Low to Very Low
The Available Widgets panel is not coded in the same way as a widget, but is generated "in-line" by index.php I'll look at what this would take and assess the demand.
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
I get the reason, most won't need it taking up screen space at the top, but it's fine as is too. Maybe just add an option shown when "Available widgets" is expanded to make it go to the bottom of the page instead of the top.
Updated by Phillip Davis about 9 years ago
Now there is just a red "+" button on the right-hand side of the breadcrumb bar, before the help "?". That means the Available Widgets section does not take any vertical screen space, unless you want to open it by pressing the "+". Then you can press again to get rid of it any time you like, and it even goes away itself when you click and add any widget.
IMHO the latest UI for this is good, and there is no need for any more on this.
Updated by Ivor Kreso about 9 years ago
Wow, just noticed what Philip said. This is great now, much better and more clean!
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
oh yeah, I missed that recent change. This is good now.