



Bug #6245


Multi-WAN PPPoE not working

Added by Alexander Rehbein about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

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I updated to 2.3 and I have 2 PPPoE connections. One setup on WAN and one setup on OPT4. The first works without any problems. The second (on OPT4) did not work. In PPP Logs only WAN pppoe is schown and under interfaces I can click connect but nothing gets connected. Also under gateway are no gateways for the second pppoe.

PPPoE credentials are correct. I tried my second line on the WAN interface and there it is working. It must be a problem that I want to have a second pppoe wan connection.

Actions #1

Updated by L J about 8 years ago

I have a working setup on 2.3 with this configuration (but with second WAN on OPT1): 2 PPPoE connections, same provider and gateway. Maybe a broken config or a problem with a specific nic/specific interface?

I also updated from 2.2.

PS: However I noticed that the second WAN connection is not that powerful than WAN1: both connections are 100MBit links, WAN1 is able to saturate 95MBit, WAN2 between 60-70. But I'm not sure why that is and if this is related.

Actions #2

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

that does work in general but sounds like there is some edge case there.

Alexander: could you get me into the system or a backup of your config? Email cmb at pfsense dot org

Actions #3

Updated by Alexander Rehbein about 8 years ago

Because you said it should work I reinstalled the firewall with 2.3 and tested it again. The same Problem here. Because I couldn't restore my Backup File (I got an error in webgui), I installed 2.2.6 and restored my backup. The problem still exists. So i deleted the second pppoe connection and added it again. And now it works. I think adding pppoe lines in 2.3 is broken.

I tried this:

2.3 new install = second pppoe don't work
2.2.6 new install = second pppoe works
2.3 -> 2.2.6 = second pppoe don't work, it must be removed and added again
2.2.6 -> 2.3 second pppoe don't work

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Pingle about 8 years ago

That is not a valid test. You cannot restore a 2.3 configuration to 2.2.x or any earlier version.

I have a test system here with two PPPoE lines, both added on 2.3, and both work, so it definitely can work. The question is why some work and why yours does not.

Check the differences in config.xml from a working case and non-working case for the interface itself and in the ppps section.

Actions #5

Updated by Peter Pain about 8 years ago

We have 3 setups with multi-wan and the terminating on the same AC. One we are even using ourselves with dual t-business DSL16000 lines (v4, same DEFGW).

All are set up for load-balacing and failover (via firewall rules). Works for me.

@Alexander Rehbein: Do you still need help with the setup? Open a forum thread in the english or german forums so we can help.

Actions #6

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Affected Version deleted (2.3)

not seeing any issues here, and it seems to work for everyone else. Going to need an example config that doesn't work or something to go on.

Actions #7

Updated by Alexander Rehbein about 8 years ago

Sorry for my late answer.

I could solve the problem. It was an problem with the nanobsd version. I've got an lot of other errors. I could solve all problems with permament write modus of the cf card. With the new update this fix was also implemented as i could see.

Actions #8

Updated by Chris Buechler about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Duplicate

Thanks for the follow up. That makes this a duplicate of #6184


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