Bug #6768
closedDNS Resolver entry for DHCPv6 static mapping has wrong IP address
I have added two DHCPv6 static mappings for two hosts on my network. But when resolving the hostname to IP address, the address returned by unbound is not correct.
xps-desktop has static mapping of ::3001 (prefix is xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:*7a71*::)
nslookup xps-desktop
Server: gw
Address: [LAN int address]
Name: xps-desktop.home
Addresses: xxxx:yyyy:zzzz:*7a70*::3001
The same happens for the other static DHCPv6 entry that I have as well.
As I believe the functionality for static DHCPv6 with a Track Interface prefix was added in 2.3, this likely affects all 2.3.x versions, but I only have 2.3.2 running, so I've selected that as the affected version.
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
No, the asterisks aren't part of the address. Apparently bold text isn't supported here, despite the button above the edit field.
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
Likely reason for this is because in entering the DHCPv6 static mapping, you're entering ONLY the host portion of the address. But in creating the DNS entry, it appears as though the prefix appended to the host portion is the base (0) prefix, not the proper prefix for the interface that the static entry is being configured on.
Updated by Phillip Davis over 8 years ago
I tried this in a VM. I delegated a /56 (out of the /48 I have from he.net) from my real router to the WAN of the VM (sitting in my real LAN). Then set the LAN of the VM to Track Interface with "IPv6 Prefix ID" set to "a1" (just to give a recognizable offset).
LAN ends up with an IPv6 subnet like 2001:1111:2222:ffa1::/64 ("1111" and "2222" are not the real public IP values:) - so the "a1" bit is correctly being calculated there.
I added a static mapped IP ::4242
In /var/dhcpd/etc/dhcpdv6.conf I get good-looking stuff:
subnet6 2001:1111:2222:ffa1::/64 {
range6 2001:1111:2222:ffa1::1000 2001:1111:2222:ffa1::2000;
do-forward-updates false;
option dhcp6.name-servers 2001:1111:2222:ffa1:a00:27ff:fe03:8b36;
host s_lan_0 {
host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id ADUID;
fixed-address6 2001:1111:2222:ffa1::4242;
option host-name teststaticipv6;
Can you post more detail on how this happens - WAN and LAN settings, and content from /var/dhcpd/etc/dhcpdv6.conf ?
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
The issue isn't with DHCP... it's with DNS (unbound, in my case) resolution of a DHCPv6 static mapping.
Looking in /var/unbound/host_entries.conf, it looks like the entries are not being added with the right address.
host s_lan_1 {
host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id 00:01:00:01:xx:xx:xx:yy:yy:yy:zz:zz:zz:d7;
fixed-address6 2601:xxx:yyyy:7a71::3001;
option host-name xps-desktop;
local-data-ptr: "2601:xxx:yyyy:7a70::3001 xps-desktop.home"
local-data: "xps-desktop.home AAAA 2601:xxx:yyyy:7a70::3001"
local-data: "xps-desktop AAAA 2601:xxx:yyyy:7a70::3001"
Updated by Phillip Davis over 8 years ago
Pull request: https://github.com/pfsense/pfsense/pull/3135
Updated by Renato Botelho over 8 years ago
- Assignee set to Renato Botelho
- Target version set to 2.4.0
Updated by Phillip Davis over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset e89a17fbf04aae89f60f13baf293f397ca21c303.
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.4.0 to 2.3.3
Updated by Renato Botelho almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
ops, untested yet
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Tested 2.3.3 and 2.4, correct subnet is used.