Bug #7105
closedICMP type selection is assuming IPv6 when it should assume IPv4
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I had an older rule which did not have an ipprotocol type set inside, which is quite common with configurations that have been upgraded over time. Upon upgrading to a recent snapshot (From Dec 29 to Jan 9), the ruleset did not load and the following error was in the notices & logs:
/rc.filter_configure_sync: New alert found: There were error(s) loading the rules: /tmp/rules.debug:335: icmp-type mismatch - The line in question reads [335]: pass in quick on $DSL reply-to ( pppoe0 x.x.x.x ) proto icmp from $AllowPing to y.y.y.y icmp6-type echoreq tracker 1418235506 keep state label "USER_RULE: Allow ping from specified host"
Note that it was tagged "icmp6-type" when it should have been the IPv4 equivalent. Also, when editing the rule I had to reselect the ICMP type as nothing was selected in the list.